Robbie O’s Steak Sauce

Indulge in the savory delight of this local Canadian steak sauce, a 400ml jar brimming with creamy, melty goodness. Unearthed from the affluent shorelines of Muskoka, Ontario, this recipe is a nostalgic gem from the past. Legends whisper of Robbie O's secret recipe, thought to have been lost for decades, until its mysterious reemergence in 1983 near the base of the enchanted mountains in Ellicottville, New York. Today, this delectable sauce is proudly produced in Brantford, Ontario, bringing the long-lost flavors back to life.

Deliverables: Art direction, branding, logo, package design

the sauce kitchen

Made out of a repurposed shipping container, Robbie O’s official sauce kitchen is ready for Canada-wide production of its legendary steak sauce.


Zeitgeist Photography Book


Real Estate Investing Ebook